Proud to be Ilocano

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"Old Friends"

      Last April 25, 2010, I got to see my high school friends after a long while. Since I came to Manila, that's four years ago, I never got to see them again. While I'm on my way to La Union,there are lots of things playing into my mind. I'm imagining what La union will look like after four years.I am trying to figure out what are the changes in the place where I grew up. Till I finally arrived, I could see our Public Market improved a lot as my friends told me. It is now two story building and more organized. I saw mini restaurants around and other establishments that I never saw before.The day came to meet up my friends, I'm excited and happy.Alvin who is chubby before is slim now, he just finished his course HRM in college. Jovelyn, a registered nurse, who used to be the simple cute girl who always blushes when laughing is now wearing make-ups and I must say she looks prettier now, honestly I have a big crush on her way
back in high school. Tercer the talkative, a tall and slim guy gained weight and now a daddy,congratulations to him. Jecel, Who is currently reviewing for Board Exam in Nursing, loves to giggle out loud and still
wild when get excited, she laugh intensely and even spank people near her in her excitement, I avoid sitting next to her. Rodel who is the quiet guy and muscular is still quiet but more bulky this time. Arturo the smiley face is now waiting for his papers to be processed for his work in Africa,good luck to him. Lisa, the singer and guitarist and also funny at times is now applying as elementary teacher, hope she can make it. And me, I don't know exactly what changes in me after four years. May be this time I talk a lot and more energetic compared before because I used to be the shy, quiet guy and just minding my own world. I am as slim as before and there are no major changes in me physically. We drunk the famous D' Bar for boys and red wine for the girls near the sea in Nipa Hut. Only Alvin join the girls drinking red wine that I brought, maybe because he  is used to that drink as a HRM graduate. We chat and laugh all day till night. We brought back stories of the past and reminisce. That day is very memorable
to me. As life goes on, you can't resist to change and go through a lot of things. Looking back and laughing on it with old friends
is so nice to do.

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