Proud to be Ilocano

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Escape From Boring Foundation Day

                     It's Thursday, November 19, 2009 the school is so busy because it's foundation day. There are lots of food stand there, they put up playground for the kids and a horror house that cost 20 to 30 pesos per tickets. Children in Elementary and Prep are in their cute costumes for their presentation. The whole campus is full, parents are there and also out siders. College students also partake the occasion but not us, the class i belonged to. We were just there not for the foundation day but for the attendance. We don't want to stay at the campus cause there's nothing interesting in there, all I saw is kiddie stuffs show like magic tricks and other things that my age don't enjoy. The Gymnasium is realy full and even if we want to see
what's happening there we can't go, we will just hassle ourselves. We just sat down at one corner, chat for a while and waiting for someone to suggest something to do. Boring time past and we decided to go outside and go to mall. We went there just to consume our time that we supposedly used at the Cecilia. We went to one store and to other and to another. We grab "hoodie" jackets and took picture of it while wearing those at the fitting room and do fun pose there. After we had enough picture, we went to photo printing to print it. Even if we don't have money to shop and all we had is ice cream, we had fun. After that we went home. That's the story of my way of escaping boredom.